Inner Ear

chalk pastel on Stonehenge paper

I began working with the image of the Inner Ear in the late 1990s when a friend asked me for a picture of the muscles in the human arm. I pulled out an old Grey's Anatomy from my book shelf and, while browsing, came upon an exquisite drawing of the Inner Ear. I fell in love immediately and began working off different anatomical drawings of the inner ear, producing several bodies of related work:

- "Listening to the Inner ear: Large Inner Ears"
Varriable sizes between 18" x 24" and 36" x 48"

- "Design Devises for better listening to the Inner Ear"
each 7" x 11"

- "Listening to the Inner Ear: The Conversations" came next and consists of approximately 100 smaller drawings in diptych format, each depicting an inner ear on the right half of the page and a scenario or object on the left half.
each 11" x 14"

- "Listening to the Inner Ear: Written matters" in which I ask Wordsmiths and Musicians to produce a small piece of writing in response to one of The Conversations. I then transcribe their work into a companion drawing to their chosen "...Innere Ear:...Conversation".
each 11" x 14"