About The Site

The structure of this Web site is a tree. Navigation starts at the Home page which contains six basic categories, then branches out to sub-catagories and galleries.
The images in each Gallery page are designed to be viewed as a left-to-right sequencial presentation, but may be viewed in any order.

This Web site is an archive which covers a 40 year practice from the 1970s through current projects.
The task of looking back over one’s career while still in it is daunting but the confluence of life, art and time are right.

By nature my studio practice meanders simultaneously through dissimilar currents, or explores one concept in indifferent forms. The concept of the site grows and wiggles as I make retrospective order out of my work.

Because the site is a work in progress, some galleries contain many examples of a series, others contain a partial representation.
Incomplete areas will continue to be updated and new catagories added as the site developes.